Qualified applicant questionnaire


Please provide at least 3 references on which cleaning contracts you have been involved or contracted in the last five years:

* Required fields


  • Our company has not been fined for illegal employment or for circumventing agency employment
  • Our company complies with labour law regulations, in particular, all employees have proper labour relations
  • Our company has no arrears of health or social insurance, no debt to the tax office
  • Our trading company is a reliable VAT payer and we are not aware of any facts indicating that this status of a reliable VAT payer should be changed. In the event that our trading company is not a VAT payer, we declare that we will comply with our obligations as soon as we meet the legal conditions for VAT registration.
  • Our company complies with OSH
  • Our company manages waste properly in accordance with applicable legislation
  • Our company is committed to the principles of environmental policy and environmental protection
  • Our company is neither bankrupt nor in liquidation, nor are we aware of any facts that would lead us to change this statement
  • No criminal prosecution has been initiated against our company and its statutory bodies in connection with the performance of business activities

By signing the form, I declare that the above information is correct and true.

  • I have read the personal data processing policy of our company available here